Friday, November 14, 2008

In her own words; Bonnie's experience in China

There's no doubt about it, my experience in China with UFV was a blast! The people I met there, the places I went, the food, the culture and the education was unforgettable. We had a great group of students that were incredibly fun, and awesome, insightful teachers that helped us through sicknesses, downtimes, and downright disasters. China in itself was a very interesting country, rich with culture and history, but also a whole different world compared to what we are used to. Eating habits, sleeping schedules, woman's rights, clothing standards, teaching methods, social statuses, dating and sex are all completely different there than in Canada, and they are not things you would normally considering preparing for when planning you trip. The whole experience really strengthened my commitment to my goals, as well as a new-found admiration and respect for the wonderful people here at UFV who helped us through so much, and even though we were 15 hours away, it never seemed like that at all. I would recommend the Study Abroad program for anyone who has a love for travel, is independent and is devoted to their studies. My best advice to anyone considering traveling abroad is not to worry about how much money the trip will cost you, and just focus on having a great time, as well as be willing to try anything and everything, and don't worry whats going on back home, the drama will still be there when you get back. Just live in the moment and have fun!


Anonymous said...

nice article

Carol Mammel said...

Thanks Jacob! We look forward to hearing and posting other peoples' experiences and photos as well!
Carol Mammel and Sarah Nermo, UFV International